LETTER: Israel belongs to Israelis

I too was at the packed Matisyahu concert and saw his two protesters outside in the cold (“Artist supports Israeli military, contributing to conflict,” March 7.)

The emperor has no clothes; there is no country of Palestine. If you disagree, tell me its kings and queens, cultural accomplishments and founding. When Israel became a country in 1948, Arabs failed then and in 1967 and 1973 to destroy it. So Arabs became the new “Palestinians” and switched to misinformation.

Palestinians got UNESCO to declare Jews have no connection to Jerusalem. Next, Palestinians will declare Chinese have no connection to the Great Wall nor Egyptians to pyramids. A popular Palestinian chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” means that from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, a “one-state solution,” Judenfrei — free of Jews.

When South Africans suffered under apartheid, blacks were kept from high positions as police, teachers, doctors or soldiers. Palestinians are all of those in Israel today. A Palestinian judge was part of sentencing a Jewish former president of Israel to seven years in prison!

When a country is attacked and wins, its new land is sovereign possession. Unless you’re Israel — then it’s “occupied territory.” Israel belongs to Israelis. But misinformation says that our ally Israel, that beautiful, tiny isle of democracy and innovation in a sea of chaos, needs to be overrun by terrorists.

Note to Palestinians: Don’t start a knife intifada. Many Israelis are armed. Don’t dig tunnels to kidnap kindergartners. And don’t stand in front of bulldozers.

Leave the misinformation and malice. Come out of the cold and dark into the light and warmth of the Vashon Center for the Arts. Celebrate the concert, culture and country of Matisyahu.

— Peter Thalhofer