Former La Boucherie reopens under new chef

La Boucherie, the longtime farm-to-table restaurant and butcher shop showcasing products from Vashon’s Sea Breeze Farm, has a new name and a new chef.

Recently, the brown wood building south of Casa Bonita near the IGA parking lot was repainted white, the first sign that a new identity was coming to the small house. Then, shortly after the paint job, brunch and dinner menus appeared on the La Boucherie sign bearing the header Earthen at La Boucherie.

Reached last week, chef Christopher Koerber, who runs a catering company in Seattle called Earthen, said the building is a work in progress and he will be buying the business from Sea Breeze’s George Page, who has operated it since 2008. Koerber said that while he will not be selling Sea Breeze’s products — it prices him “out of the casual fine dining market entirely,” he said — he plans to use local fare where he can.

“(I) am trying to balance it with providing a meal focused on quality produce yet affordable,” he said.

A call to Page Monday was not returned.

Earthen at La Boucherie currently offers lunch on Fridays beginning between noon and 2 p.m., and dinner up until 8 or 9 p.m., according to Koerber. On Saturday, brunch begins between 8 and 9 a.m. and the restaurant remains open through dinner. On Sundays, brunch is served from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Menus are at