Planning advisory group puts forth two proposals for denser zoning

In a contentious public meeting last week, the Community Advisory Group working on Vashon’s Community Service Area plan voted on two proposals regarding zoning density and affordable housing. Both proposals, along with additional ideas for discussion, will be presented for consideration at a meeting about affordable housing on Thursday, Feb. 23.

Previously, the Housing, Land Use and Health Subcommittee had agreed it would submit to the group a plan that would expand the affordable housing incentives in place within King County code and apply those to much of Vashon’s Rural Town area as a Special District Overlay. Specifically, within a designated area of Rural Town, that recommendation called for allowing any parcel zoned R-4 or higher (four units or more per acre) to be developed at a maximum of 18 units per acre as long as all units were intended for those who earn 80 percent and below of the area’s median income. The intent behind creating that overlay was to expand the area that apartments could be built in without the developer having to go though a rezone process, which can be costly and time consuming.

Last week, however, some members of the subcommittee had changed their minds, according to Bradley Clark, the King County planner leading the process. As a compromise, the full group took another vote, allowing the same parcels to be zoned only to R-12 not R-18. Both vote results were the same, with nine members in favor of the proposals and five against.

The other contentious topic the group addressed was concerning marijuana retails stores and if they should be allowed in Vashon’s main downtown area. King County code allows them, and officials have said they would not likely make a change for Vashon. Ultimately, it was determined that written comments about location of marijuana retail shops would be considered, but that the advisory group would not make a recommendation about the issue, Clark said.

Online written comments about pivotal elements of the plan, as it has been drafted so far, will be accepted until Feb. 17; see