LETTER: March was not about anti-Trump, but ‘a plethora’ of ideals

The headline “From D.C. to Seattle and Vashon, islanders march against Trump,” on the front page of the Jan. 25 issue is polarizing and inaccurate. In addition to declaring that “women’s rights are human rights,” the Women’s March was about a plethora of wonderful ideals.

To define this march as a “reaction” to the current president is to do three things: Miss the forest for a single tree, suggest that there is not a global human rights movement growing all around us for a multitude of reasons and encourage divisive, partisan politics.

Media has wielded a big, powerful stick with little self-control for too long. It is time to take your power seriously and hold yourselves responsible for the impact of your published words. There are people on Vashon Island who voted for Trump. If they did not attend the Women’s March, will this headline give them an accurate impression? Absolutely not. But, it may cause them to feel alienated from their community while increasing the chance they will dismiss the event entirely.

Media, across the world, is failing to honor the five core principles of journalism: truth and accuracy, independence, fairness and impartiality, humanity (do not harm) and accountability. This must change.

While I personally believe the march was defined by each and every person who attended, the organizers of the event offer a mission statement at womensmarch.com/mission. Nowhere on their website do they refer to Trump.

Please don’t make it harder for us to achieve a political revolution in America by labeling “unity events” as “anti-events.” I am they. You are they. We are they. United we stand, divided we continue to fall.

— March Twisdale