Letters to the editor

Islanders weigh in about Vashon Community Care, vaccinations and the Women’s March


Gratitude is owed to many

Rather than reflecting on the end of an era, we would prefer to reflect on all the individuals and families who have been helped during the last 25 years. We also should be thankful, that many of us had the privilege to make a meaningful investment of our time and resources to help make VCC. Edith and I feel that it has been a privilege and blessing to be part of supporting one of the most important parts of what makes Vashon special.

Yes, Vashon Community Care has struggled to be sustainable for most of its existence. Thanks to the broad support of the community, Providence Health, Transforming Age, staff and volunteers, who delivered care for so many years. The amazing vision and determination driven by the Vashon community has provided love and care for many of our friends and families from Vashon for years.

Edith and Ray Aspiri


All should get vaccinated

To prevent the further spread of the coronavirus, we should require everyone to get fully vaccinated (including a possible third dose), unless exempted by a sincerely held religious belief or medical condition. We should write to our legislators and executives at all levels of government.

Alvin Blake


Reproductive rights

In thinking about reproductive justice for women, there is another person involved who has no rights, no voice, that is the least among us, the most vulnerable … the baby. Let us not forget about the baby. Let’s stop fighting each other and work together to find solutions for justice for all. We can do this.

Penelope Anderson