Letters to the editor | Oct. 27 edition

Readers weigh in on mail woes and with thanks to first responders


Where is my mail?

Staffing and management woes at the Vashon Post Office are starting to hit home. The 10 families at the end of McLean Rd received mail once between Oct. 11 and Oct. 18.

According to postal workers interviewed on Oct. 20, our carrier “was on vacation.” Is that a reason for the lack of delivery? Should we not have expected to be notified that there would be no delivery, while the carrier was out?

It doesn’t matter, the USPS is supposed to be reliable; to deliver the mail daily. It is failing to do this. This is particularly disturbing in light of an announced increase in postal rates. It’s particularly disturbing as we have a major election coming up; what will happen to our ballots?

If this lack of delivery occurs again, I will take to the streets in protest.

Allen de Steiguer


Thank you

Kudos to 911, Vashon Island Fire and Rescue, and Airlift Northwest for their promptness, dedication, expertise and life-saving medical skills.

Richard W. Emmons, M.D.