Vashon Island Chorale will continue the tradition of kicking off the Island’s holiday season with its annual presentation of “A Celebration of Carols.”
The Backbone Campaign and will present “Start Me Up!” — another musical extravaganza of Vashon Island talent, this time featuring the music of The Rolling Stones.
The fundraiser will kick off at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 29, at Red Bicycle Bistro & Sushi.
The 2008 Vashon Island Holiday Art Studio Tour will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Dec 6, 7, 13 and 14, at 32 art studios located all over the Island.
An Island resident for six years, award-winning author Karen Cushman said she never set out to be an author of young adult fiction.
“It’s just what comes out,” she said.
Islander Brad Matsen may have rewritten history.
His book, “Titanic’s Last Secrets,” posits a shocking new theory about the mammoth ship’s sinking, a theory that implicates the ship’s builders and designers in the tragic accident at sea.
Works by Vashon photographers Michelle Bates, Debra Paulsen, Ray Pfortner and Andie Styner are included in “Only in Washington.”
A Seattle-based accordion quartet, Hell’s Bellows!, will take the Blue Heron stage at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. This is the group’s first Vashon appearance.
Publish the Quest, a band known for its danceable sound, will hold a party for the release of its first CD, “The Threads,” at Red Bicycle Bistro & Sushi at 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22.
A night of the Rolling Stones The music of The Rolling Stones will be the theme of “Start Me Up,”…
Poetry aficionados will gather at Café Luna this week to share new work and explore a topic that is particularly relevant to the month of November.
Since its inception eight years ago, Sea Breeze Farm has filled a niche on Vashon, producing farm-fresh meat, dairy and eggs that go “beyond organic” and sell out week after week.
Opening a retail market and restaurant on Vashon in August was a natural progression for the north-end operation, said Sea Breeze owner George Page, 39.
La Boucherie, or butcher shop in French, occupies the building on S.W. 100th Street that once housed Splash.
Asparagus film in Lunavision Lunavision will present a free screening of “Asparagus, Stalking the Wild Life,” at 7 p.m. Thursday,…
Radio theater will return to the Island at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, when Voice of Vashon Radio Theater’s Ten-Minute Play Festival makes its debut at the Ober Park performance space.