The Social Ecology Education and Demonstration School (SEEDS) is beginning its public phase of the “Vashon Greenmapping Program” Saturday, Aug. 23, at the Farmer’s Market on the Village Green.
Some Island women are able to take advantage of a state program that offers free clinical exams and mammograms to those who qualify, since two Island health clinics have contracted with the program this year.
King County, concerned about the impact failing septic systems have on Puget Sound, is about to require homeowners to certify their septics are in good order when their property changes hands, county officials say.
On Aug. 11, 2008, Gregory Hampel was hit and killed by a car in West Seattle, as he tried rescue his dog Paloma, who had scampered into the street. He was 39 years old.
La Petite Etoile French Language Preschool has a new home this fall. The school’s new location at Bethel Church boasts a larger classroom and a full playground with field and forest.
With the 2008-09 school year just around the corner, the Vashon-Maury Cooperative Preschool (VMCP) is gearing up for the school year. We are excited to offer a new blended toddler-2/3 class. Toddlers will attend on Mondays with their parents, and 2/3’s will attend Monday and Tuesday.
Spending the entire school day outdoors sounds like a foreign concept, and in a way it is. Although there are more than 700 forest kindergartens — waldkindergartens — in Germany, in which children spend their entire class time outdoors year-round, the concept is still novel here in the United States.
Flowers will help food bank
The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program will be on Vashon today, Aug. 20.
Donate school items soon
Voice of Vashon has signed a lease with Heights Water, a private
A spree of vandalism last Tuesday morning left the school district reeling — causing $6,000 in damage and leaving more than 20 windows and doors broken just three weeks before school starts.