Inslee should repay taxpayers

Please believe me when I tell you I would write this letter whether our governor was a Democrat or a Republican. This isn’t about his climate change policy or his sanctuary state policy. This is about his morals and character. When he tries to convince us taxpayers who much he cares about us and our tax dollars and then turns around and refuses to have his campaign repay the taxpayers for all the additional costs for the security for his failed presidential run and the additional $288 per day we had to pay for the lieutenant governor for every day he was out of state campaigning, it makes me sick. His actions speak much louder than his words.

I wish he would try and remember when he was a little boy and his parents taught him not to steal, lie or cheat. I know he has been in politics a long time, so it’s probably going to be hard to remember those things. This is his chance to show the tax payers that he actually does care about us. Please pay us back.

It is too bad we don’t have an attorney general with as much guts as Montana’s attorney general. He sued their governor when he tried to pull the same crap and not pay the taxpayers back for all the additional costs for his failed presidential run. He won, and their governor paid back the taxpayers. I wish Bob Ferguson would remember that he is supposed to protect the citizens of the state of Washington and not the hierarchy of the party. Are you listening, Bob Ferguson? I think you are too worried you might upset any potential donors for your future campaigns to do your job.

— Ed Palmer