LETTER: Former editor was talented free speech advocate

I was very saddened to hear Anneli Fogt will no longer be the Beachcomber editor. Aside from regularly

reading The Beachcomber, I had the opportunity to speak with her many times, since she covered the

park district.

I believe Anneli easily was the best editor The Beachcomber has had since Allison Arthur. At a time when the

“news” regularly is distorted by a right or left bias, she knew it was her job just to report the news, not

interpret it. If she had an opinion, it landed on the editorial page, where it belonged.

It was great having a free-speech advocate, who recognized everyone has a right to be heard,

uncensored, even if their opinions represented an unpopular position.

When you add Anneli’s youthful enthusiasm, you have a special journalist who should do great things, if

the establishment media does not beat her down too much.

All that said, I wish her well in her new position, where I am confident she will succeed.

— Scott Harvey