Please vote ‘yes’ for levy

We are pressing hard to fulfill our responsibility to provide the best experience for our kids.

In this crazy world of school funding, we come to you every couple of years to ask for your continued financial support of our schools. Maybe it is not all bad in that it presses us to make sure we are listening to your concerns and are doing our best with your hard-earned dollars to serve our kids — and it encourages us to be as conservative with our ask as possible. While we are not perfect, I can assure you that we are pressing hard to fulfill our responsibility to provide the best experience for our kids in the best setting possible.

One of the clear messages we have heard from our community is to take care of the things that have been provided for us. This levy helps us do just that. While 2.3% of the levy will go to a savings account for field repairs/replacement, a little over 25% will go towards projects and maintenance for our facilities. Slightly more than 28% of it will be used to upgrade and maintain our technology, with the rest going towards staffing. Voting for this levy protects what we already have, helps us to be able to upgrade facilities and technology and also protects jobs.

When I came to this district, I was amazed at how beautiful the brand new high school was and how poor the classroom technology was. As a math teacher, I know that access to and wise use of the latest technology helps students to be informed consumers of information and to be competitive in an ever-changing world as they leave us. This levy helps us to make progress towards that goal.

Thank you for all you do for us.

— Lisa Miller