Commissioners wanted for important work | Letter to the Editor

I am writing to encourage someone to file to run for the board of commissioners for Water District 19. I particularly encourage candidates with a balanced perspective on the need to protect our island’s precious environment and our need to develop responsibly and sustainably.

I am writing to encourage someone to file to run for the board of commissioners for Water District 19. I particularly encourage candidates with a balanced perspective on the need to protect our island’s precious environment and our need to develop responsibly and sustainably.

Over the past eight to 10 years, the commissioners and staff of the water district have taken us from fiscal crisis and a worrisome, myopic focus on growth at nearly any cost to a much more stable and sustainable course.

Conservation and modest expansion of capacity have resulted in a few more connections, while at the same time the district is using less water overall and its quality has improved.

We have also embarked upon a routine program of preventive maintenance, while the rates for the majority of our customers have not increased over all this time.

Not insignificantly, serving on this board also provides a fun and rewarding opportunity to serve the community with some fine folks who are dedicated to keeping Vashon on a sustainable path.

There is important work to be done.

— Steve Haworth