While I agree with Jeff Schnelz’s letter (“Vote against the school levy to effect real change,” Jan. 13) that our state is supposed to fully fund basic education, the fact is the state does not do so. Our state would love to but it, too, is riddled with unfunded mandates from the federal government. I do not feel our children’s education should suffer because of this. Also our schools go beyond the basics to give the students more enrichment. We need to pay for this.
Know what concerns me most about this whole “grinding” thing? Not the “grinding” itself, whatever it is. Do a little research on Elvis Presley, and see what adults were saying about teenagers and their mores in the 1950s.
It’s levy time again.
High school dancing Why even listen to teenagers? As a member of the Society of Generational Tyranny and Oppression Toward…
Drunk driving Cavalier attitude makes us part of the problem A speeding pickup overturned on Vashon Highway in mid-afternoon on…
Dancing Where’s the evidence? I would greatly appreciate it if Jack Stewart would share with us the “empirical” evidence he…
Community council It was established on Vashon in 1935 Thanks for the recent coverage on the community council’s need to…
Dancing Decision was unwise When I first heard the school administration was banning “grinding” at Vashon High School dances, I…
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School bond Former measure failed because of its price tag The Beachcomber suggested in its editorial last week that the…
We’ve heard a lot of talk lately about green jobs — that they’re coming any day now, that they offer new hope for the future, that they’ll simultaneously turn the economy around and save the planet. Collective reaction is often one of callous cynicism.
Dancing At McMurray, dances are safe, supervised For the record, at McMurray Middle School dances, our school expectations apply, are…
Dancing Let’s not ban grinding, but give dancers information I liked the dirty dancing column in this week’s paper and…