Tolerance Vashon’s a great place to live My wife Christel and I have lived on the Island since Dec. 7,…
Politics Claims about Obama are false A Vashon woman told me she was afraid of Barack Obama as president for…
Politics Palin offers what women need Just as Sarah Palin’s social agenda saddens Lynann Politte (“Palin’s candidacy does nothing for…
I-1000 Law works well in Oregon I reject the argument expressed in the Oct. 1 Beachcomber (“I-1000 will make some…
School libraries Support PIE No, it’s not “Rolling Stone.” But check out the cover of “School Library Journal” ( and…
The intolerance and hypocrisy on Vashon amaze us. We are deeply saddened because we love living here, and we love what Vashon has to offer.
Andrew Schwarz’s meaningful comments about solidarity (Beachcomber, Letters to the Editor, Aug. 13) were well taken.
Thank you, Beachcomber, for highlighting the unusual number of lice cases on the Island. I am aware of a 10-fold increase in the last two years compared to the previous 30. Extremely troubling! But while your article touched on communication and treatment, it left out another critical step: environment. The state requires me to close and sterilize as soon as I realize that lice have been in my workspace.
I want to thank and commend The Beachcomber for the excellent coverage of the desecration of Havurat Ee Shalom and the stories about the wonderful support of the community. The paper took a bold step to speak out on this sad event and its implications for our community.
At this year’s Strawberry Festival, the Backbone Campaign brought some of its giant puppets to the parade, including one of our newest creations, the Penta-Gone. Carried by five people, the Penta-Gone shows the outside of the Pentagon building, with five questions about our national priorities: “One-year nuclear weapons budget or renewable energy for 16.5 million homes?” “One year ‘star wars’ spending or 200,410 new teachers?” “One month in Iraq or health care for 3,214,990 Americans?” “Twenty F22 bombers or 274,000 four-year university scholarships?” (These numbers, based on the Pentagon’s budget for 2009, were provided to the Backbone Campaign by the National Priorities Project —
“Are you from the Land Trust?”
My name is Nathaniel Parrott, and I am going into the seventh grade. Last Saturday, my friend Ryan O’Grady and I sold Jones Soda to the people in the ferry line.
As a Jew and a member of the Vashon Havurah, I want to thank The Beachcomber for its kind, graceful and inspired coverage of the recent break-in and desecration of our holy space. I want to thank Father Tryphon and other religious leaders on the Island who immediately saw the universal degradation that comes from allowing such intolerance to go unnoticed.