Student’s ‘needs are not being met on Vashon’

I have recently returned to Vashon with my husband and our four children. We chose Vashon in part because of the schools. As a parent I like to know whom my kids are hanging out with, who the parents of each student are and where they live. Vashon provides both excellent schools and a tight community. We support school levies and pay plenty in taxes to live here.

I have recently returned to Vashon with my husband and our four children. We chose Vashon in part because of the schools. As a parent I like to know whom my kids are hanging out with, who the parents of each student are and where they live. Vashon provides both excellent schools and a tight community. We support school levies and pay plenty in taxes to live here.

One of our children is a sophomore at Vashon High School this year. He is very active in sports and has advocated for himself since day one trying to have his academic courses in morning classes so that when he misses class due to sports it would be the elective courses in the afternoon.

As his mother I have spoken with his counselor and Principal Susan Hanson several times and cannot get his schedule changed because all the classes are full. Our son is looking at off-Island schools for his junior and senior years because his needs are not being met on Vashon.

When our district cannot meet the needs of their resident students, why do they promote more commuting students?

I am a taxpayer in this community. I do not want my children commuting off Island to get their needs met while we promote non-resident students to come on and take advantage of our district.

We support levies, pay high taxes and volunteer in the classrooms. I now realize I could have purchased a home in Port Orchard, paid way less in taxes and still had my children attend the Vashon school district. I did not know I was paying for off-Island students to use the Vashon district as a private education alternative.


— Karen Heit