Local artists will throw open their studio doors

Save the date for a chance to buy local and shop artful at the upcoming Vashon Island Art Studio Tour.

Save the date for a chance to buy local and shop artful at the upcoming Vashon Island Art Studio Tour.

The holiday edition of the tour takes place starting next weekend, and runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 1, 2, 8 and 9, at 38 studios and shops and galleries all over the Island. More than 200 local artists — candlemakers, woodworkers, glass blowers, jewelers, basket weavers, potters, painters, sculptors, photographers, printmakers and mixed-media  artists — will sell works in all price ranges.

This year’s tour will also mark the end of an era for Barnworks, a collaborative gallery well-known to many Islanders.

Barnworks’ members helped found the tour, more than two decades ago — so Island art lovers will want to stop by for one last look at the magical space, tucked in the woods off of Cove Road.

For more information and a printable map to participating studios, visit the tour’s website at www.vashonislandartstudiotour.com.