Longtime movement teacher offers something new

The class will be gentle and the exercises can be accomplished by almost anyone.

Since 1998, Arlette Moody has offered movement classes on Vashon, keeping islanders strong, balanced and fit.

Now, she will be offering not only pilates but also, Liangong — derived from Qigong, a component of Chinese medicine.

Moody has been studying Liangong with Debbie Leung, proprietor of Chinese Healing and Movement Arts studio in Olympia, for the last three years.

Liangong is made up of short movement forms developed by Dr. Zhuan Yuan Ming, a chiropractor, and Chinese massage and acupressure practitioner in Shanghai, China.

He wanted to help people help themselves, so he turned to Qigong as the basis for Liangong. He arranged the exercises systematically to open channels and meridians so the qi could flow while strengthening, stretching, creating better balance, core strength, coordination, and discipline.

There are three sections of eighteen exercises — 54 total — that are learned very precisely and are practiced to traditional Chinese music.

Moody said her class will be gentle and the exercises can be accomplished by almost anyone.

“It is geared for helping people to find their core, work on their balance, coordination and all of that, and the exercises are specific but simple in a way,” she said, adding that the class she takes in Olympia includes many seniors.

“It’s all done while standing, so there is no equipment, or laying down on the floor,” she said. “You can also just wear comfortable pants and a shirt, so no special outfit or anything.”

Liangong stands out, Moody believes, because of its technique of holding tension momentarily and then releasing it into relaxation — to push the qi through stagnant areas of the body. With the emphasis on correct alignment and technique, it helps produce sensations related to increased internal energy.

“It leaves the mind calm and the body in harmony,” said Moody. “Many people feel the benefits of this practice relatively quickly.

Series one classes, taught by Moody on Tuesday evenings for 10 weeks, will begin beginning on Feb. 6, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., at The Tree of Life Wellness Center, or on Wednesday afternoons, starting Feb. 7, from 1-2 p.m. at the Ober Park Performance Room.

For more details and to register, visit arlettemoodymovement.com, or email Moody directly at booking@arlettemoodymovement.com or arlettekehenquet@gmail.com.