Our Town: Photographer Ray Pfortner loves Vashon most of all

Editor’s note: The Beachcomber partners with Vashon Island Visual Artists (ViVA) to highlight the vibrant arts community of Vashon. This week, photographer and teacher Ray Pfortner tells us, in his own words, about his life and work. To learn more about ViVA artists, visit vivaartists.com.

I love nature. From the insects and flowers on my dead-end street in Queens, New York, to the forests of northern New Jersey to the jungles of Costa Rica. That love drove me to become an ecologist and then an environmentalist with the New York City and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

I love making photographs. For as long as I can remember. Especially in the out of doors. Chasing the fleeting light, the once-ever configuration of clouds, the breeze. That momentary rainbow. The flight of geese.

I love capturing memories, creating souvenirs, telling stories. I love increasing awareness, changing attitudes, prompting action, especially when it comes to nature and environmental issues. This is where the hope lies in these darkening times. Action.

I equally love teaching. And of all ages. It started very early, from the Cub Scouts to New Jersey State Parks to the National Park Service. Today teaching and photography are two keystones of my life, totally interwoven. The two-way exchange of information as student and instructor learn from each other. It is absolutely invigorating. It leaves us all changed for the better.

I love travel and the challenge of capturing the essence of a place in photographs to share far and wide long after the visit. Glorious souvenirs. Together with my life partner, Nancy Wing, an accomplished photo studio art director and photo stylist whose support sustains me, we lead photography cultural exchanges to China, Cuba, Croatia and the Czech Republic.

But what gives me real joy is right here on Vashon, my home for 28 years this March. Seeing the faces of my students, younger and older, them out making their own photographs long after we have learned together, writing letters of recommendation for their next steps, seeing them go on to bigger and better photography challenges at all ages. I am so blessed. Thank you, photography! Thank you, Vashon!

raypfortner@gmail.com | RayPfortner.com