Park District unveils a musical bench

Islanders can sit a spell on a new, one-of-a-kind bench at Ober Park and make music while resting their weary feet.

Islanders can sit a spell on a new, one-of-a-kind bench at Ober Park and make music while resting their weary feet.

The interactive “Sonic Bench,” created by composer Amy Denio and welding artist Kim David Hall, will be unveiled and demonstrated at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 23, during Vashon Allied Arts’ and Vashon Park District’s first Concert in the Parks show. (For information about the concert, featuring the French music ensemble Rouge, see the previous page.)

Both Denio and Hall will be on hand for the unveiling and to celebrate the bench’s arrival on Vashon — something made possible through the efforts of Island grant writer Allison Shirk, who secured funding for the Park District to acquire the bench. 

The bench features buttons that, when pushed, play Denio’s composition. Anyone is welcome to play it.

The evening will also feature a public acknowledgement of the park district’s corps of volunteers. Cake will be served, and in keeping with the French theme of evening’s concert, music, there will be an appearance by the famed Warner Brothers cartoon character Pepé Le Pew.