Singers reconnect with the island

Jean Mann and Sheryl Wiser, two independent Seattle singer-songwriters, have each previously performed on Vashon, but will play a show together for the first time at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Blue Heron.

Jean Mann and Sheryl Wiser, two independent Seattle singer-songwriters, have each previously performed on Vashon, but will play a show together for the first time at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Blue Heron.

Mann’s connection to Vashon began on another island, Bainbridge, where she met Vashon resident Marilee Runyan at a flower show. It was the days of the island’s former Lavender Festival, and Mann asked Runyan if she could come play. Runyan agreed, and Mann performed her original and cover music at all the subsequent festivals.

The national and international musician said her work is “very eclectic — Americana jazz-tinged folk music,” which she plays on both acoustic and tenor guitar and ukulele.

Wiser plays electric guitar with a whammy bar to convey her Americana roots and blues sound. She, too, has performed on the island at the Blue Heron and Strawberry Festival, but her current and strongest connection is with Vashon’s farm community.

Her day job is manager of Puget Farm Fresh, the farm guide published by Seattle Tilth. When she and Mann decided to play a joint show on Vashon, they thought it would be good to give back to the farm community.

“We will donate some of the proceeds to VIGA (Vashon Island Growers Association) and their Food Access program,” Wiser said. “VIGA is really good. They do excellent work.”

Tickets are available at the Blue Heron and