Talented women will strut their stuff in a show

A slew of talented island singer/songwriters will have a showcase of their work at 8 p.m. Friday at the Red Bicycle Bistro

A slew of talented island singer/songwriters will have a showcase of their work at 8 p.m. Friday at the Red Bicycle Bistro.

It’s an all-female roster filled with well-known names, including Kat Eggleston, Allison Shirk, Cami Lundeen, Kate MacLeod, Jamie Jackson, Maya, Delilah Pearl and Kiki Means. All the performers appear regularly on stages around town, singing with a variety of ensembles and bands.

This time, though, each of the singers will have a separate turn in the spotlight — the format of the evening is one solo performer at a time. And although each performer will weave together story, melody and the music of an acoustic guitar, concert-goers can  expect a wide variety of styles and songs.

Shirk says her songs describe her life experiences in a way that is meant to linger in the minds of her listeners.

Lundeen brings a lot of emotion and a deeply personal story to her music. She turned to songwriting as an outlet for dealing with her diagnosis of a rare, incurable liver disease. Her fans say her vocals are sultry and that she brings a powerful vulnerability to her songwriting.

MacLeod’s songwriting style links traditional music with contemporary songwriting. Her songs have been recorded by artists from California to the Czech Republic, including bluegrass musicians, Celtic musicians and traditional singers.

Jackson’s songs, show organizers say, range from gut-wrenching to pure comedy.

Eggleston, a Vashon native who has traveled the world playing her music, is a highly respected writer and interpreter of song.

Organizers of Friday’s show say Maya has a stunning and brazen voice that has recently made audiences on Vashon sit up and take notice.

Pearl loves the vocal styling of 1930s and ‘40s, delivering up jazz and swing standards.

Means, the youngest singer in the lineup, blends an angelic voice with the angst of her generation, organizers say.

This intimate affair is likely to sell out early. Purchase tickets, $10, in advance at www.brownpapertickets.com.

The Vashon Women Singer/Songwriter’s Showcase is produced by Vashon Events.