VIPP seeks plants for sale

VIPP seeks plants for sale

Vashon Island Pet Protectors’ (VIPP) annual fundraising plant sale is fast approaching. Please think of setting aside donations as you do your spring cleanup.

Perennials, vegetable starts, houseplants, garden art and gardening books may be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 25, at the Land Trust Building on Bank Road.

The sale will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 26. If you need pots or have any questions, please call me at 463-1810.

— Judy Pells

Join seniors for a potluck

Be a friend — bring a friend to the potluck at the Senior Center on Bank Road from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 20. If you don’t know about the Senior Center and its program opportunities, this is a good time to visit us. Eat amazing food. Watch amazing entertainment. Old friends, new friends, family members are all welcome. No signup is needed.

Call Carol Slaughter at 463-2274 for more information.

— Deirdre Petree

Earth Day for Island Dems

This month’s Vashon Democratic Club meeting occurs on the same weekend as the Vashon Earth Day activities. Kyle Cruver, one of the Earth Day organizers, will share his expertise on the biofuels industry with us. He will present a brief overview of the state of the regional biofuels industry and what it means for the consumer at the gas pump, as well as discussion of alternatives such as home-brewed biodiesel, greasecars and electric vehicles conversions, followed by questions and answers.

Cruver will also give us a preview of the Earth Fay Dialogues event that will happen on April 22. Come join us. All are welcome.

After the talk, we will view a variety of political video clips — both serious and humorous.

If you or your group would like to make a presentation at one of our meetings, or for general information, please contact me at 669-9459.

Our meeting is this Saturday, April 19, in the Land Trust Building: potluck social at 6 p.m., meeting 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Please help us accomplish our goal of a no-trash potluck by bringing your own, non-disposable dinnerware.

— Roger Fulton

RESULTS meeting set

For more than 27 years, a group of citizen activists has been a leading force in ending poverty worldwide by being part of the organization RESULTS. RESULTS identifies and advocates for effective solutions to the causes of poverty and increases our government’s support and funding for these solutions through powerful citizen action. It is one of the original forces behind the microcredit movement, which has now reached 100 million of the poorest families in the world with loans for small businesses.

The Vashon RESULTS group meets at 7:15 p.m. every third Wednesday in the west meeting room of the Windermere building. We learn about what we can do to make a difference in the lives of the poorest people around the world and then write letters to our senators and representatives. Topics are provided, as is postage, paper and pens.

Meet with other Islanders who care and want to help make a difference in the world.

To learn more about RESULTS, visit the Web site at Our local contacts are Stan Merrell at 463-7670 and Lesley Reed at 567-5561.

— Sally Ammon

Horse group plans for trials

The Vashon Maury Island Horse Association will hold its quarterly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, at the Windermere office. The agenda will include planning the annual horse trials and other summer activities plus re-election of board members and officers.

— Janet Quimby

Comcast 21 programming

Voice of Vashon’s television programming on Comcast Channel 21 next week will feature a new video from Sea-Inside NW.

If you have been creating your own video that you would like to share with your Vashon/Maury neighbors, please e-mail

— Dan Schueler

Youth lead Unitarians

The Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship presents its annual youth-led service on Sunday, April 20. Featured will be the participants of the fellowship’s inaugural teen sexuality education course, OWL (Our Whole Lives). The youth will share their insights from the series and give the congregation an experiential glimpse, by way of participation in a modified class session. The topic will be a surprise. Come find out how the OWL experiment went.

The Unitarians meet at 9:30 a.m. Sundays, at the Burton Community Church, 23905 Vashon Highway S.W.

Religious Exploration is offered for children 3 and up.

Join us for refreshments in Lewis Hall.

— Wendy Wharton

Donate now for Furball

Plans are under way for the “Most Fantastique Fur Ball Ever.” Watch for those shifty animal lovers as they make their way through alleyways and knock over garbage cans looking for handouts. They may stand outside of your business or house and howl til you give. They haven’t been fed for a year and need all sorts of goods to sustain them.

To donate, contact the Grand Hairball, me, at 567-5485 or Vashon Island Pet Protectors at

— Kate Dunagan