Fire station’s ospreys have a new nest waiting

A 91-foot tall pole was set in the ground behind Vashon Fire & Rescue, intended to be a new home for the station’s osprey couple.

On Monday, March 21, a new 91-foot tall pole was set in the ground behind Vashon Fire & Rescue, intended to be a perch for a new nest for the fire station’s resident osprey couple.

For many years, the ospreys had occupied a different nest on the grounds, which they built atop a communications tower in front of the fire station.

But when workers who were contracted to repair the communication tower destroyed the nest several months ago, Fire Chief Charles Krimmert proposed providing the birds with a new home.

To do this, he worked with Jim Kaiser, of Osprey Solutions, to plan the installation of a pole and platform, complete with a starter nest that was constructed by Kaiser.

Attending the erection of the new pole were Sarah Van Fleet, president of Vashon’s Land Trust, and Sarah Driggs, of Vashon Audubon. Driggs said that Audubon is exploring the possibility of installing a webcam to give islanders an osprey-eye view of the nest in the future. Vashon Nature Center has also been supportive of the project.

In the meantime, the fire station’s ospreys are likely now winging their way back to Vashon as part of their arduous annual migration. Chief Krimmert said he was glad to have completed the project right on time for the birds’ arrival.

“It was a narrow window of opportunity,” he said.