Free lunches and activities in the park to resume next week

The second season of Picnics in the Park, sponsored by the Vashon Maury Community Food Bank, will be offered five days a week this summer, beginning Monday, June 22.

The second season of Picnics in the Park, sponsored by the Vashon Maury Community Food Bank, will be offered five days a week this summer, beginning Monday, June 22.

“The program was a big hit last year, so we’re really looking forward to building on those successes,” said Emily Scott, who manages the food bank’s volunteer program.

The program, free and open to all children and teens, regardless of their family’s income level, will include bag-style lunches and a variety of activities, including reading, origami lessons, clowns and live music.

The program was launched last year to help ease financial strain on the food budgets of low-income families when their children were not receiving meals in school, as well as provide enriching, fun activities. To take away any stigma, the lunches were open to all children, with a donation jar set out for those who could pay. It was a hit, Scott said, and quickly expanded from three days a week to four, typically drawing more than 30 people, though the highest number of people that attended was 60.

Mostly people with young children went, Scott said, but few Spanish-speaking families. This year food bank staff plan to do more outreach, in particular to families whose children are eligible for free and reduced lunch and encourage them to come. On Vashon, that is one in every four children.

“We want to eliminate any barriers they might have for getting their children to the park,” she said.

The program’s coordinator, Erin Martin, is new this year and started last week, Scott said. She will have plenty of room in the lunch schedule for youth or adults who would like to lead an activity. More than one activity may go on at the same time, and groups of people, such as members of a sports team, are welcome to volunteer together.

For more information about the lunches or to volunteer, call Martin at the food bank at 463-6332.