Islanders Flock to Food Bank’s Picnics in the Parks

The program will run through Friday, Aug. 25, serving free lunches to all and hosting engaging activities for youth.

Picnics in the Park(s), a program of Vashon Food Bank now in its 10th year, returned last week — and so did eager crowds of islanders young and old, who lined up for free brown-bag lunches stuffed with sandwiches and nutritious sides including cheese sticks, fresh carrots and locally-grown sugar snap peas.

On June 22, the fun also included an outdoor story hour by Vashon Library’s children’s librarian, Amelia Lincoln Ecevedo, who read to a large group of pint-sized listeners and their parents as they munched on their lunches, under a brilliant blue sky.

Picnic in the Park(s) will run through Friday, Aug. 25, serving free lunches to all and hosting engaging activities for youth across the island.

Lunch is available every weekday throughout the summer at Ober Park, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and at BARC, from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. Collaborative efforts with partner agencies including Vashon Park District and Vashon Youth & Family Services will also ensure the provision of lunches for children enrolled in their summer programs.

Want to help? Opportunities are available for food preparation at Vashon United Methodist Church or lunch distribution at the parks. To participate, contact the program’s coordinator, Sam Dawson, at