New island group to take action on climate change

A dozen islanders gathered around a table at the Vashon Library last week to address climate change — and they are looking for others to join them.

The group, which has met just once, was organized after the presidential election by islander Andy James, who said he believes such a group is timely.

“This is an urgent time, and it has been for years,” he said. “This felt like the best time, given our national political climate and our regional response and a sense of despair in people around me.”

Prior to the meeting, James wrote a charter for the group, which notes that its mission includes performing concrete actions to combat climate change and mitigate its harmful effects.

“Our areas of work include lobbying legislators, conducting research, educating and communicating with the general public, coordinating with local partners, and coaching Vashon residents on sustainable choices in our community,” it states. “If we decide that other forms of action will be useful, we will include those as well.”

James — known to many as a musician and former elementary school teacher — is currently a technology specialist with the school district. He urges action on the part of the group members and named it accordingly: the Vashon Climate Action Group, formed via Facebook.

“I am of the mind that doing something every day is good for the soul, and we can be good for each other doing that,” he said.

All interested people are welcome at the next meeting, which will be Dec. 29. All levels of commitment are welcome, though James added that ideally people would commit to 25 minutes each day.

Those who would like to join the group and learn more about it should see its Facebook page or email James at