Park district looks for new funding source for scholarship program

For the last five years, the David Foege Memorial Fund has provided thousands of dollars annually for scholarships so that all youth can participate in park district programs.

For the last five years, the David Foege Memorial Fund has provided thousands of dollars annually for scholarships so that all youth can participate in park district programs.

With the fund’s commitment coming to an end, Vashon Park District Executive Director Elaine Ott said she is looking for new sources of funding, in particular those who might make a multi-year commitment.

“I would love to find donors that would contribute annually and provide something that I can depend on, and I would know what I have to work with from year to year,” she said last week.

Ideally, she said, she would like to secure $10,000 for next year, though it could come from several sources.

Last year, the district provided $9,600 in financial assistance, awarding funds for youth participating in Ski School, lacrosse, basketball, sailing camp and activities at the Vashon Pool.

State law requires that local park districts offer a scholarship program supported by donations, not public money.

For more information or to donate, contact Ott at 463-9602 or