After a first quarter of three Meridian touchdowns, with Vashon scoreless, it seemed like the game would be an annihilation of the Pirates. But after the first quarter, the Pirates came alive, and kept the Trojans scoreless for three quarters. Vashon ran in two touchdowns and put in two field goals to bring the score to 22-21.

After a first quarter of three Meridian touchdowns, with Vashon scoreless, it seemed like the game would be an annihilation of the Pirates.

But after the first quarter, the Pirates came alive, and kept the Trojans scoreless for three quarters. Vashon ran in two touchdowns and put in two field goals to bring the score to 22-21.

With two minutes remaining, the Trojans were in possession. Vashon sacked their quarterback, took back the ball and ran the clock down.

Those who attended the game reported it was the most stunning Pirate performance they’d ever seen.

The Pirates will have their next playoff game — time, place and opponent TBA.

Check this Web site tomorrow for a complete story on the game, and upcoming game information.