Chloe Hazel Blevins

Chloe Hazel Blevins (November 3, 2008-February 19, 2010), daughter of island residents Katrina and Ethan Blevins, passed away suddenly last Friday evening. Chloe stopped breathing on the 5:30 PM ferry to Fauntleroy and was pronounced dead at 8 PM at Children’s Hospital. She received two and a half hours of vigilant attention from good souls and valiant medical professionals. It appears that Chloe had undetected heart complications.

At birth, Chloe was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Like many children with special needs, she touched people in life-changing and unforgettable ways. Chloe had a personality that warmed the hearts of all that knew her. She loved to wave, smile, blow kisses, and babble to anyone who looked at her. She also enjoyed clapping and singing when her mom played the piano, using sign language, dancing with her head, reading books, pointing at everything, taking baths, and holding her baby doll. In every way, Chloe glowed with the light and love of Christ, and she gave the best hugs.

Her family is so grateful for the unfailing support of ferry workers, medical professionals, family, friends, the LDS Church, and the island community. Chloe leaves behind an adoring crowd of friends and family from around the world. Family members from the island include Chris and Marilyn Combs, Aaron Combs, Matt and Darlyn Sullivan, Amber Starcher, Phillip Combs, Tamara Rammell, and Andra and Bryce Battisti. Her family is profoundly grateful to God for the promise that we will be with our beloved Chloe again. For those who would like to express their love for Chloe, please donate to support the wonderful professionals at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

(paid obituary)