Backbone Campaign provides a great opportunity | Letter to the Editor

The Backbone Campaign deserves some special thanks for all their hard work getting a community solar project designed and approved to be installed here on our Island. For people like me who had considered putting solar on my home but live in an area with many trees, this project is a perfect way to invest in the alternative energy of solar while partially fulfilling what I consider my environmental and social responsibility.

The Backbone Campaign deserves some special thanks for all their hard work getting a community solar project designed and approved to be installed here on our Island. For people like me who had considered putting solar on my home but live in an area with many trees, this project is a perfect way to invest in the alternative energy of solar while partially fulfilling what I consider my environmental and social responsibility.

I also like the way Washington state crafted the “opportunity factor” into the law that created the renewable energy production incentive, thereby keeping savings and jobs locally while benefiting several local participants and investors with the project results.

Though it may seem that the solar project return on investment is smaller than hoped, the truth is that these days, many people’s assets are placed in lower returning deposit accounts and investments compared to years past. Being a retired banker, aware of certain global finacial considerations, it is likely we all will be seeing lower yields for some time to come.

Backbone’s Community Solar Project offers a way for me to invest considerably less than a home solar unit would cost yet receive a valuable payback and do what I believe is a right choice for my grandchildren. And after all, this plan was never designed as a get-rich scheme to help only the investor. It was created because concerned people like you and me believe that it helps to move us towards the correct direction.

I congratulate Bill Moyer and the Backbone team for their effort. I hope those for whom this matches their values invest in a way that is appropriate for them and that our community doesn’t lose this opportunity on all the good work that was done on its behalf.

Count me in!


— Jerry Henley