LETTER: Approve Proposition 1 to keep quick, efficient 911 service

As I have begun talking with islanders about Vashon Island Fire & Rescue’s financial crisis, one question I hear is: “Why do they send so many vehicles to a medical emergency?” Well, I can tell you from personal experience.

For several years, my wife and I looked after an elderly couple who lived next door. They each had multiple medical problems and, as a result, were frequently in emergency need of VIFR.

Sometimes at least three aid cars showed up. But here’s what we learned: Each car has distinct levels of equipment and is staffed by EMTs with very well-defined roles — taking vital signs on the spot, interviewing family and caregivers about previous conditions and events, taking an inventory of needed prescriptions, administering immediate medical care and much more. It takes a lot of people working simultaneously because time is of the essence in such life-threatening events. I was deeply impressed by both the speed and skill with which these professionals worked and by the gentle care they showed. I can’t remember how many times I accompanied an aid car to a mainland hospital, but even when we got there, these EMTs were amazing in their ability to pass on vital information to hospital emergency staff quickly and efficiently, as if every moment mattered — and it often did.

My neighbors both have passed on now, but I will never forget those EMTs. I hope they will be there for me if I ever need them, but it’s not looking good. That’s why I support the ballot measure that will restore the tax levy set 27 years ago, a rate that has declined ever since and put our safety in jeopardy. Please join me with your “yes” vote on Proposition 1.

— Will North