LETTER: Cars should yield to pedestrians, period

LETTER: Cars should yeild to pedestrians, period

Regarding the editorial two weeks ago about pedestrians crossing the street at the four-way stop in town (“Busy intersections, dark nights call for caution,” Jan. 11). You write they should cross with traffic, not against. This is not correct and can lead to chaos.

Under this idea, a person waiting to cross should wait to cross with traffic. However, the law states that a driver must yield right-of-way to the pedestrian any time a person is waiting to cross the street. So, driver waits for pedestrian, pedestrian waits for driver (to cross with traffic). Nothing moves. A person waiting to cross the street at a marked crosswalk or no crosswalk always has the right of way: That means drivers must stop and yield to the pedestrian. If driver fails to yield to the pedestrian, the driver can be fined. No exceptions. I am not sure if I am the only one who interpreted the editorial this way.

— Dave Pekarek