LETTER: Prop. 1 is too much, especially for low-income islanders

While the Vashon Island Fire & Rescue (VIFR) levy rate has decreased over the years, the amount of property tax money the fire department has collected has increased each year. This is because as property values increase, the levy rate drops and the department still receives 1 percent more each year. This year, Vashon property values have increased by 17 percent. In 2017, VIFR collected $2.4 million with the levy rate of 94 cents. In 2018, if this levy passes and with the increase in property value, VIFR will collect $4.5 million. This is an 87 percent increase, both for VIFR and each and every taxpayer.

For the homeowner in a $500,000 house today, this levy is very expensive. In 2017, this taxpayer paid $468. In 2018, that would increase to $878 and by 2023 it could increase to $1,174. This would be just for the fire department.

The levy includes potential 6 percent yearly increases. By 2023, VIFR could collect $6 million. This is 2 1/2 times what the department receives today. With budget discussions still in process, it is unclear exactly how the money would be used. While we may be told that the commissioners would probably not vote for this large 6 percent yearly increase, that is exactly what they are asking us to vote for. Why would the commissioners put something on the ballot they have no intention of using? Why would they ask for so much money without a detailed plan?

Vashon cannot afford this levy. One in nine (11 percent) Vashon residents uses the food bank. One in six (16 percent) Vashon households has an annual income below $25,000. Affordable housing on the island is almost impossible to find. This large tax increase is unsustainable for us as homeowners and renters.

Vote “no” on Prop. 1 now. A more reasonably priced affordable levy will be on the next ballot.

— Hilary Emmer