LETTER: Racial equity policy benefits all

We will not dismantle structural and institutional racism by wishing it away. Racially motivated hate speech, bullying and racist attacks have been reported on Vashon by children and adults. Students of color face racism daily in ways small and large. Elementary school children hear hateful words strung together in “song” on the bus. Older students express exhaustion and defeat at having to avoid or tolerate racist slurs aimed at them at the middle and high schools. Parents shield their littlest ones’ ears in the school parking lot as a parent yells at a Latina mother to “go back home.”

Many white people are unaware of these occurrences, including school teachers and staff. The recent adoption of the VISD racial equity policy represents a step in making our schools safe and inclusive so that everyone can learn. This policy takes nothing away from white students and does not further institutionalize racism. In providing expanded training and opportunities for teachers and staff, all students will benefit.

In order for the VISD to fulfill its mission “to equip every student to engage, thrive, and contribute within an ever-changing world,” the district requires a racial equity policy.

According to the policy, “racial equity means leveling the playing field so every student has access to the same resources and opportunities for future success.” Why take issue with this policy? It strives to ensure that students of color are better supported, given an opportunity to learn in an environment free from both explicit harassment and implicit bias and educates adults in the learning community through ongoing teacher and staff development.

We all have learning to do. Start by reading the policy. Check out such books as “Waking Up White” and “Between the World and Me” and trainings by the People’s Institute Northwest called “Undoing Institutionalized Racism.” Racism dehumanizes us all and has no place on Vashon.

— Juniper Rogneby