Library conference room should be named for island activist

Morgan Ahern was a librarian, a Romani and lesbian activist, and an important part of the community.

To the editor:

Last week I had the pleasure of watching children sled down the small hill in front of the Vashon Library, and I thought of the late Morgan Ahern, who would have loved that sight. Morgan was a librarian, a Romani and lesbian activist, and an important part of the Vashon community. (For an account of her amazing life, see the obituary in the Jan. 16 edition of The Beachcomber.) She often reported on Facebook about the children she could see playing in Ober Park from her apartment window, and her reports always brought a smile. She also posted funny memories, which she intended to compile into a book. Many of her posts ended with the line, “Ain’t life an effin’ hoot?”

After Morgan’s death, my spouse, Sharon Helmick, had the great idea of naming the Vashon Library conference room after Morgan. She and I have filled out suggestion forms at the library. If you like Sharon’s idea, I encourage you to go to the library and fill out one of those forms, too.

— Alice Bloch