Reflections on a remarkable school year on Vashon

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of our students and our district.

As we come to the end of another remarkable academic year, I am filled with immense gratitude and a deep sense of pride for what we have accomplished together in our amazing school district.

It is with great joy that I reflect on the successes we have achieved as a school district and the incredible contributions made by our dedicated staff, supportive families, and the entire Vashon community.

First and foremost, I want to celebrate the achievements of our students, particularly the increased graduation rates for our Latino students (100%) and the entire student body (96.29%). This accomplishment is a testament to our community’s commitment to equity and the unwavering dedication of our incredible staff.

We believe that every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed and it shows. We still have more work to do yet these improved graduation rates are a sign we are heading in the right direction. Thank you to all of our Pre-K-12 staff! It has been a team effort.

I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our island partners, who have played a pivotal role in enriching our students’ education. The Vashon Nature Center, Vashon Youth and Family Services, Vashon Artists In Schools, VARSA, Rotary, Journeymen, and DOVE have all contributed immensely to our students’ growth, providing them with opportunities to explore their passions, discover their talents, and engage with our island community in meaningful ways.

Many of these partnerships would not have been possible without the help from the Vashon Schools Foundation and Partners In Education. Their partnership and support have made a profound impact on the lives of our students, and we are truly grateful for their unwavering commitment to public education.

While we celebrate our achievements, I must also address the serious concerns that emerged this year regarding two teacher investigations. When we have this type of activity within our staff, even if it is only a single person, we need to do everything we can to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. We take these matters very seriously, and the district is working steadfastly with our island community to strengthen our commitment to the safety and well-being of our students. We will continue to prioritize transparency, accountability, and the highest standards of professionalism.

As we look ahead to the next academic year, our Promise stays the same and hasn’t changed. Let us remain focused on our true North, ensuring Every student is Welcomed, Known, and Treasured. Together, we can build on the achievements of this year, learn from the challenges we have faced, and continue to foster a supportive and inclusive community where every student can reach their full potential.

Thank you once again to everyone who has contributed to the success of our students and our district. It is through your unwavering support and collaborative spirit that we have achieved so much. I wish every student, family, and staff member a restful and rejuvenating summer, and I look forward to the exciting possibilities that the next academic year will bring.

Dr. Slade McSheehy is the superintendent of the Vashon Island School District.