
Breathing for Sleep Handbook Review – Trusted Program Results by Zach Zenios

Millions of American adults have trouble sleeping. Stress, pain, anxiety, and health problems can alter the circadian rhythm. There are numerous strategies for soothing yourself to sleep. Some people use OTC medication, audio therapies, or meditation therapy to lull themselves to sleep.

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook is an informative guide designed to help you restore your natural sleep cycle using a simple US “Marine’s Tongue Trick.” How does the program work? Who can benefit from the sleep-enhancing strategy? Continue reading to discover more about the Breathing for Sleep Handbook.

About the Breathing for Sleep Handbook

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook is a comprehensive yet simple guide intended to help you restore your natural sleep rhythm. The author notes that activating a tiny nerve inside the tongue can restore your sleep cycle.

According to the Breathing for Sleep Handbook, the region on your tongue with the Master Switch controls your sleep. The book teaches the users how to flip it on for better and more fulfilling sleep. The sleep-inducing strategy can work on you even if you have sleep apnea, insomnia, or other sleep disorders. The tongue nerve helps you attain a deep and restorative night without medication or meditation therapy.

The author of the Breathing for Sleep Handbook argues that the tongue trick is science-based. The sleeping technique helps deliver quality and clean air to your brain, eliminate disruptive snoring, improve sleeping posture, and restore strong jaw position, among other benefits.

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook reveals that quality sleep supercharges your energy levels, boosts the metabolism, and fortifies immunity.

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook claims the tongue trick helps you fall asleep in under two minutes. It also reveals some bedtime mistakes most people make that cost them their sleep. Additionally, the guide shows the importance of providing the brain with quality oxygen as you sleep, among other details.

Revitalize your sleep now with Breathing for Sleep!

About the Sleep-Inducing Tongue-Trick

Research by Italian scientists reveals that a weak tongue and low electrical activation are the primary causes of sleep issues. John Hopkins University argues that the tongue acts as a gate that allows or blocks unrestricted airflow.

A weak tongue alters its posture, hence blocking air movement. Oxygen blockade is a condition that hinders enough oxygen from reaching the bloodstream and tissues. A decrease in oxygen in the system activates the body’s survival mode. Research from Loma Linda University of Medicine explains that oxygen blockade floods the body with adrenaline, a stress hormone that prepares your body for either Flight or Fright. The body is on high alert in survival mode, making sleep impossible.

What causes a weak tongue? The Breathing for Sleep Handbook reveals that aging, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, and poor sleeping posture are significant causes of oxygen blockade. Unmanaged oxygen blockade alters the circadian rhythm and blocks the release of relaxation hormones.

Sleep soundly tonight with Breathing for Sleep!

The Five Tongue Quiz in the Breathing for Sleep Handbook

The Tongue Quiz is a section of the Breathing for Sleep Handbook intended to help you identify whether your tongue is weak. Some of the quizzes include:

  • Does your tongue hang open while performing everyday tasks, including working on your computer or doing the dishes?
  • Do you have dental/oral issues, including a dry mouth, stinky breath, yellow teeth, or tooth decay?
  • Do you snore?
  • Do you feel restless, or does your mind race at bedtime?
  • What is your head posture? Does the head sit slightly forward, or is it upright?

If your answer is YES to any of the questions above, your tongue could be to blame for your sleep problems. Restoring healthy tongue posture can activate the sleep nerve and lower your adrenaline ranges, leading to better quality sleep.

Discover better sleep with Breathing for Sleep today!

The Science Behind the Breathing for Sleep Handbook

Records from the Sleep Foundation indicate a tiny nerve in the tongue called the hypoglossal nerve. The sleep nerve controls the muscles in the tongue, enabling it to push forward in the mouth. Children have working hypoglossal nerves, but they weaken with age.

Aging, stress, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyles prevent the sleep nerve from working optimally. They weaken the tongue muscles, causing them to slide back into the mouth and cause oxygen blockade. Unmanaged oxygen blockade floods the body with adrenaline, depriving you of quality sleep.

A Journal of American Medical Association publication reports that stimulating the sleep nerve helped decrease sleep apnea by over 78.9%. Another 12-month study shows that stimulating the hypoglossal nerves doubled the feelings of sleepiness and slashed sleep issues by 19%.

How Does the Breathing for Sleep Handbook Work?

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook is an educational guide teaching you how to stimulate the sleep nerve without expensive surgery. It does not require users to utilize OTC sedatives, prescription sleep aids, sleep music, sleep supplements, herbal teas, or impractical sleep hygiene tricks. The routine uses a unique tongue trick that strengthens the muscles, hence unblocking oxygen blockade. The breathing routine opens the airways, flooding your tissues with fresh oxygen. Utilizing the Breathing for Sleep strategies allows you to:

  • Allow you to fall asleep in under 2 seconds
  • Silence, racing thoughts, and anxiety
  • Restore moods and energy
  • Help you get deep and restorative sleep
  • Boost mental clarity and focus

Transform your nights with Breathing for Sleep!

What is Inside the Breathing for Sleep Handbook?

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook is comprehensive and well-researched. The developer argues that utilizing the strategies guarantees quality results within a short duration. Below are some of the items included in the handbook:

1. Breathing for Sleep Coaching Video

Zach Zenios demonstrates a breathing technique that you should use to combat oxygen blockade.

First Phase: Zach Zenios reveals the three exercises you can perform in under two minutes to clear sinuses, enhance your breathing, and eliminate oxygen blockades.

Phase Two: the coach reveals a simple breathing routine to boost sleep quality. You can perform the exercise at home in the comfort of your bedroom. Exercising the tongue muscles improves the organ’s posture, allowing you to breathe freely and flood your brain with fresh, oxygenated blood.

Some of the details under the Breathing for Sleep Coaching Video include:

  • The 10-minute breathing for sleep routine to help you sleep fast, all night, and effortlessly
  • A simple breathing hack to stop snoring
  • The relevance of ‘toxic waste” in augmenting restful sleep
  • How breathing through the mouth increases adrenaline ranges and disrupts your sleep
  • The circular sinus massage unblocks your airway and increases oxygen levels in your body
  • The knuckle sinus hold that opens your airway in 30 seconds
  • The bizarre “pinch technique” to help you enter into the sleep mode in under one minute
  • The sleeping technique that unleashes the “relaxation molecule,” hence preparing your brain and body for sleep

Unlock the secret to deep sleep with Breathing!

2. Breathing for Audio Routine

The audio version of the Breathing for Audio Routine is a simple guide to help you get the perfect sleep. The guide reveals techniques for enjoying and relaxing sleep even with a tight schedule.

3. Breathing for Sleep Handbook PDF

The digital guide by Zachariah Zenios provides you with the A-Z of achieving quality sleep. Some of the techniques inside the guide include:

  • The research-based tongue can help you gain sleep immediately after slipping under the covers
  • Three insomniac habits that pump adrenaline into your system instead of inducing sleep
  • The benefits of the nose hairs for satisfying sleep
  • The worst sleeping posture interferes with your tongue muscles and causes sleep problems
  • A bedroom mistake that is slashing your melatonin levels by up to 50%, according to scientists at Harvard University
  • An ancient Thai-based breathing technique to double your sleep quality regardless of your environment
  • The best sleep-friendly baby foods that boost your sleep quality by at least 27%

4. BreatheMAX Pillow

Your pillow design and quality can boost or lower your sleep quality. The BreatheMAX pillow is an ergonomic pillow that heightens your sleep posture, thus maximizing airflow. It has a comfortable cervical contour to support your neck and wings to support the head.

The BreatheMAX reduces pressure on the head and entire spine, stimulating healthy blood flow. The pillow by Zach Zenios contours your body and is ideal for back, side, or stomach sleepers. BreatheMAX pillow is odorless, breathable, anti-snore, anti-apnea, anti-static, and anti-dust, and has a washable pillowcase.


You can buy the Breathing for Sleep Handbook online through the official website for only $79 & shipping. All the products are digital and available immediately after payment confirmation. The bonuses include:

  • 10 Worst Sleep Mistake Videos: The bonus guide reveals some mistakes you unknowingly make that could cost you healthy sleep.
  • Sleep Like a Baby Checklist PDF: The guide reveals eight strategies for heightening your sleep quality at home. The bonus explains simple routines for naturally enhancing melatonin production.
  • The Truth about Melatonin PDF: The guide explains methods for naturally boosting the sleep hormone.

Money-Back Guarantee

Zach Zenios offers a 60-day money-back guarantee when you buy the Breathing for Sleep Handbook. If you aren’t happy with your results or have any questions, please contact customer service for more information.

  • Email: sales@criticalbench.com
  • Telephone: 1-727-351-3065

Final Word

The Breathing for Sleep Handbook is a comprehensive product intended to help you achieve quality sleep naturally. It reveals a simple tongue trick that enhances the tongue muscles, improves the organ’s posture, and improves breathing. The developer, Zach Zenios, argues that improving the tongue posture enhances oxygen flow to the brain, thus inhibiting unwanted adrenaline production. You can perform the tongue trick and the breathing techniques at home. The Breathing for Sleep Handbook promises to boost sleep quality, fight apnea, and augment overall wellness.

Take control of your sleep with Breathing for Sleep!


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