Letter to the Editor: Voting against us as a people

In response to “Flickers of hope in a sorry electoral landscape” (Beachcomber, Nov. 10), consider this: For decades I’ve watched human population grow like a cancer. All over the Puget Sound region human life has filled in, poisoned and destroyed one of the most special environments on the planet.

I used to like Seattle, but now it’s so jammed up I stay away. Vashon was great up until the late 1980s, after that boosters turned it into a wealthy green ghetto area for a special breed of liberal yuppie that defecates without odor.

Government feeds on human life, breeds human life and promotes the failings of human life. Boosters understand this. As taxation and control increase they call it the price of civilization. I vote against who we are as a people. I’m disgusted with human service spending, especially health care, education and public transportation. I may be one of a growing number of voters who values environment over people: A flicker of hope.

— Jeff Schnelz