Zero Waste Vashon will hold second electronics recycling event

Due to the overwhelming community response to its event in April, Zero Waste Vashon will hold a second electronics recycling event next week.

“Over the course of about 90 minutes, we collected about 5,000 pounds of material,” Zero Waste’s Will Lockwood said. “We were just overwhelmed by the success of it, but we had to turn people away.”

Mike Riggs, a Zero Waste Vashon board member added:

“We were amazed by the enthusiastic turnout and patience many showed as they waited for their carloads of e-cycling to be loaded into the box truck,” he said. “We expected that there was pent up demand for this type of event but underestimated exactly how much. We apologize to those island neighbors who spent their morning collecting and transporting their e-cycling, only to be turned back halfway into our scheduled event time.”

Prepared with an extra truck for the second event, the organization is thrilled with the community’s participation.

“That was 2.5 tons of electronics that didn’t end up in a landfill,” Riggs said. “Instead it will all be recycled, and valuable metals recovered for other uses.”

The second e-cycling event will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 19, in the east parking lot at Vashon High school. Items will be accepted until the truck(s) have reached their vehicle weight limits. See for a list of acceptable electronics recycling items.