Baby is result of holy union

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are written in that order for a reason. Without life there is no liberty, without liberty, no pursuit of happiness. In abortion, the woman’s pursuit of “happiness” is trumping another person’s right to life. A unique, innocent human being is destroyed in an abortion.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are written in that order for a reason. Without life there is no liberty, without liberty, no pursuit of happiness. In abortion, the woman’s pursuit of “happiness” is trumping another person’s right to life. A unique, innocent human being is destroyed in an abortion.

Sexual intercourse is no longer thought to be sacred. Its holiness comes from the belief that every human life is eternal and wanted by the creator. It is the only thing that we humans can make that will transcend time. If you believe this, it is an awesome responsibility and privilege to be a sexually active person. The meaning of the sexual act is profound. When two people express themselves sexually, they say with their naked, vulnerable bodies, “I give myself to you completely without reservation, withholding and hiding nothing. It is unconditional until death. I trust you with this self gift.” It is meant to be a sacred bond between the two people. Under these conditions when a child is created, it comes from a loving embrace into a loving environment where he or she belongs.

Unfortunately people fall short of this vision. They reduce sex to a transitory pleasure, use each other as pleasure objects, and try to prevent pregnancy. And when that fails,  they create a child, who they treat like they did their sex partner as an object, and not a person. They call him or her “tissue” or “the contents of pregnancy” then toss the baby in a Dumpster outside an abortion clinic.

The Holocaust similarly treated Jewish, handicapped, mentally ill and other “undesirables” as non-persons and legally sent them to be used for labor or medical research, and if they were not useful, killed them.

For the record, Mr. Lovekin adopted a baby. He does walk his talk.

— Kathryn Myer