Consider the claim that chemical is linked to autism

I’ve been writing and researching about the loss of our rights and freedoms for many years now. What I’ve discovered now is something some might even consider more ominous and immediate.

I’ve been writing and researching about the loss of our rights and freedoms for many years now. What I’ve discovered now is something some might even consider more ominous and immediate. Senior scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT states that in 1970, one in 10,000 children were reported to have autism. Today it’s about one in 40. She predicts by 2025 it will be one in two if we stay the course.

She identifies the primary cause to be a chemical called glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup and says there’s a 99 percent correlation between the two. In addition, there’s similar correlation between a number of other diseases as well, such as Alzheimer’s, celiac disease, depression, ADHD, inflammatory bowel disease, liver failure, kidney failure, pancreatic cancer and more.

I’ve been in communication with Seneff and reviewed a number of studies and podcasts she suggested I look at. In my view, she’s a brilliant scientist and well qualified to talk about these things, despite the fact that some websites have appeared that claim the opposite.

My view is that Monsanto and a lot of big money interests are prepared to spend a lot of money to convince you not to review the source documents regarding studies involving glyphosate. Anyway, here’s a link to a podcast that I think every American ought to listen to: The title is “Glyphosate — the 900 pound gorilla at our dinner table.” Listen to the entire podcast.

Other source documents are listed at this site: I suggest you read or listen to as many as you can. Some are quite technical, but I’ve learned something important with each one visited.

— Mark Goldman