Island youth is on a good path and has excellent chances for success | Letter to the Editor

It sounds like Luther Marinez is a really fine young boy we can all be well proud of. (“Help my son feel safe,” July 31.) The letter brings up the threat brought up by the Zimmerman trial and the Trayvon Martin shooting, which the public has seemingly gone overboard on fixing the blame.

It sounds like Luther Marinez is a really fine young boy we can all be well proud of. (“Help my son feel safe,” July 31.) The letter brings up the threat brought up by the Zimmerman trial and the Trayvon Martin shooting, which the public has seemingly gone overboard on fixing the blame.

Most news articles, etc. have implied that Zimmerman is guilty of murder despite what the jury trial concluded.

Now is a good time to read a news article of “The Week,” which is considered one of the best national and international magazines. The July 26 issue reports the following.

The Zimmerman haters didn’t care about facts or justice. They wanted a racial morality play. To create one. Prosecutors tried to turn Martin into a saint, said Jeffrey Kuhner in The Washington Times. They circulated a photo of him, an angelic 12-year-old, baby-faced boy.

But at the time of his death, Martin was a 6-foot 3-inch man child with a history of drug use, who had been suspended several times from school.

“If this wannabe thug had kept his cool and not tried to beat Zimmerman into a pulp, he’d still be alive today,” it said.

Luther Marinez’s chances of growing up here on Vashon or wherever and becoming a contributor to society are still excellent.

— Paul Schwartz