Islanders’ support is meaningful

We would like offer our thanks to The Beachcomber for the article in early December about us and our GoFundMe campaign and to all the kind and generous folks who continue to contribute and also sustain us daily with their love and encouragement.

To the 100+ who have contributed on the GoFund Me site or at Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union (PSCCU) or have donated to Rex in person, we offer our most heartfelt gratitude. I do not have all of your addresses, and many of you have chosen to remain anonymous, so you may not get a personal card from us.

We realize that our goal of partially buying back into our property (an equity share) may be unattainable.

Please know every dollar of your contributions are going into the PSCCU account and will be used for the contingency plan — having enough for moving expenses and to pay for rent elsewhere if it comes to that. I have been researching rentals, many of which have waiting lists and income limits, and we have visited a few. Rex is negotiating for as much time as possible in our home.

Compounding the difficulty of moving are my established relationships with many doctors and specialists in Seattle.

On Jan. 17, I will be undergoing a surgery on the clogged arteries of my left leg, which in part involves the replacement of my thigh artery with, of all things, a Gore-Tex tube.

I don’t know why I continue to be rescued from the brink by the wonders of improving technology but I am always surprised, amazed, and grateful to survive and recover.

So dear friends, family and kind neighbors, I will go into this next miraculous surgery comforted by your kindness, uplifted in spirit and continuing to travel hopefully. I am visualizing the joy and relief of traveling up ferry dock hill next to my amazing husband after a successful surgery. Coming home!

Many blessings to you all in the new year.

—Elizabeth and Rex Morris