It’s time to get back to nature

My name is Joe, I’m 69 years old, and I’ve lived on the island for 14 years.

My name is Joe, I’m 69 years old, and I’ve lived on the island for 14 years.

I care about the Earth and am concerned for its health. It is my body and sustains me personally as well as everyone I see and the entire web of life. I/we need to eat “humble pie.”

The news tells of so many examples of the consequences man-made chemicals have had as they have been introduced and then allowed to build up in the environment since the 1950s. They have built up in our bodies, the ground, our rivers and oceans and the air. Evidence shows much harm has been done.

Our highly esteemed scientists from the 50s on have been conducting a gigantic experiment, the results of which are not yet completely known. It’s time to eat “humble pie” and pull back; renew our faith in Mother Nature and learn again as a society how to live within her laws.

We’ve been playing with something sacred, ignoring obvious warnings because of vested interests. This is absolute irreverence; it cannot last.

Like any life form, nature is extremely resilient. Any correct actions taken will begin to balance the organism and health will gradually return. The time is now!

— Joe Allison