Let’s reduce plastic cup use

It occurred to me that most of us have gotten used to taking our own grocery bags when we shop. Well done, fellow Vashonites.

It occurred to me that most of us have gotten used to taking our own grocery bags when we shop. Well done, fellow Vashonites.

I have a suggestion to further reduce our plastic use. When attending functions on Vashon, be it First Friday or one of the many fundraiser auctions or other events where wine or beer is a choice, why not pack your own glass? You won’t confuse it with the many plastic ones that might be left on a table, and hey, doesn’t wine really taste a whole lot better when it’s not served in plastic?

I recently did this at an event at the O Space and it worked out really well.

So whaddya say, Vashon? Let’s go for less plastic in 2015.

— Beverly Skeffington