LETTER: Movement is step forward, more steps are needed

The “Me Too” movement is a positive first step for all of us. The truth is that most of us, along with many other people in the world, are all being disrespected, molested or “raped” — physically, financially, morally and spiritually — by our own government and deep state, and they are getting away with it. We are victims of our own perceived powerlessness. How many of us are silent (like when women have been when disrespected or molested), fearing that if we complain we might get fired or otherwise silenced, or if we scream out in anger, fear and frustration, maybe worse. So we continue to not make a fuss or even think about what people in power have already taken from us.

We are very brave on political and social media websites, but timid and silent at work, or in church or synagogue, or even around the dinner table for fear of losing our place in social hierarchy.

These women are demonstrating how powerful it can be when people stand together to defend their rights and honor. I applaud these first steps and wait in hope to see if these courageous women will be more willing than men have been to inform themselves about what threatens them and their children, more willing than men have been to tell truth to power, and hopeful they might find the compassion and courage to also defend other people’s rights and freedoms, which is the only way they can permanently protect their own. And let us hope that when women acquire the political power they seek, they will refrain from using that power to deceive others without consequence, or play with other people’s lives as if they were nothing more than wooden chess pieces on a chessboard.

— Mark Goldman