Letters to the editor | Oct. 12 edition

Readers write in about the school board election and displaying flags.


We support Marshall

We urge Vashon voters to consider Angela Marshall in next month’s school board election. Angela will bring a contemporary mindset and practical experience to the Board.

School board members need a diverse skill set. They should know their way around a budget.

They will be called upon to make hard decisions about inherited problems. Ideally, the board would have at least one member with experience guiding a public agency and overseeing an organization’s performance. Board members need to have strong critical thinking skills and ask good questions. Angela has all of these. Plus, she comes from a family of educators. She has the self-confidence to advocate effectively for our kids and island taxpayers.

Perhaps more importantly, Angela brings a new perspective and life experiences that align with the time we’re in. At every level of government, there is a critical need for the next generation to take the reins. As a mom of two kids in the district, Angela Marshall is perfectly fit to represent the families who have the greatest stake in their children’s education.

Bob Hennessey, Cindy Powell, Mike Zecher


Protect children first

A letter to the editor in last week’s Beachcomber spoke about respect for the flag and pride in our nation. I agree with everything she said, but as far as applying what she said, that will have to wait until my country takes major steps to stop the massacre of schoolchildren. Until then, no.

I suggest we pledge allegiance to the children until the flag deserves it.

Shelley Simon