Pool should be open year-round

As Friends of Vashon Pool, we thank the Vashon Park District for agreeing last Tuesday to consider budgeting for a four-week extension of the summer swimming season. We believe the most important impact is that the extra weeks overlap the school year. School district officials tell us they are eager to develop academic, physical education and after-school sports programs around the pool.

As Friends of Vashon Pool, we thank the Vashon Park District for agreeing last Tuesday to consider budgeting for a four-week extension of the summer swimming season. We believe the most important impact is that the extra weeks overlap the school year. School district officials tell us they are eager to develop academic, physical education and after-school sports programs around the pool.

Our long-term goal — a year-round pool — is something Vashon has wanted for decades. And we need it: Swimming is the only sport that if you don’t know how to do it, you could die — and we live on an island!

With a $10,000 commitment — out of a $1.3 million budget — the park district launches a journey that will benefit thousands.

In 2014, the pool served 1,250 unique users in 10 weeks. Year-round operation with a removable roof could reach one in three Vashon residents: Toddlers being introduced to water, schoolchildren learning to swim, swim teams, lifeguard training, water aerobics, lap swimming, safe exercise for the physically impaired and, of course, good old fashioned swimming pool fun.

For more information, please contact me at Mark@MarkNassutti.com. Meanwhile, our thanks again to the park district board and management for their openness and support for taking this small but vital first step.

— Mark Nassutti