Step up and speak out this weekend about climate change

If I told you that the first step toward saving civilization as we know it and derailing a headlong gallop into a horrible future for our grandchildren was to spend an afternoon standing with the rest of the world, one afternoon, would you do it?

If I told you that the first step toward saving civilization as we know it and derailing a headlong gallop into a horrible future for our grandchildren was to spend an afternoon standing with the rest of the world, one afternoon, would you do it?

We know our way of life is changing the world in a way that could very well make it uninhabitable for us and many other species on the planet. We have asked our leaders to do something about it. Why have they been unable to act? Simply, they have come to the positions they hold by being the most successful in exploiting the status quo economic and political paradigm we live in, i.e. the paradigm that we must now change. Polls show overwhelming numbers want this, but how badly do we want it?

Our leaders will not act until they realize that we are demanding that action be taken. We don’t do that by signing petitions or writing letters. We do that by interrupting our own business as usual and getting out in the streets in huge, unprecedented numbers. That means all of you that don’t usually do this sort of thing

Your opportunity to march is this Sunday, Sept. 21, in Seattle at Westlake Park at 1 p.m. All over the world, on this day, in 1,500 events in 130 countries, we humans are challenging ourselves to step up. Two days later, the leaders of the world will come together at the United Nations to talk about it. I’m not sure we could really muster the heart to try again if we fail to get enough of us out there this time.

Will we spark unprecedented change, or will it be business as usual?  It’s up to you. More on this can be found at

— Terry Sullivan