Thriftway has crossed a line with gun owners

Thriftway is now a “no weapons, no drugs” zone. What in the world? Vashon is a small community with a thriving Sportsmen’s Club, many hunters and many longtime residents who carry concealed. I just can’t think why Thriftway needs this sign other than to jump on the bandwagon of “think with your emotions” anti-gun sentiment.

Thriftway is now a “no weapons, no drugs” zone. What in the world? Vashon is a small community with a thriving Sportsmen’s Club, many hunters and many longtime residents who carry concealed. I just can’t think why Thriftway needs this sign other than to jump on the bandwagon of “think with your emotions” anti-gun sentiment.

If there were to be a massacre at Thriftway, it would not be one of our Vashon gun owners who carries a handgun or knife (and you don’t even know it). It would be some mentally ill person who would not care that Thriftway is a gun-free zone. And if such a horror were to occur, someone would call the deputy, because they have guns. But if the deputy is way out on Maury, it wouldn’t help much, and there’d be no locals carrying concealed (with all their training and practice) to maybe help out.

It’s almost personal, this sign, because the people carrying guns are vaguely known about, and now they won’t be shopping at Thriftway. Well, neither will I.

As for the no drugs… What? Wonder what that means. No smoking pot in the aisles? We know that already. No buying alcohol? No birth control pills? And the Supreme Court will back you up too.

The gun issue is so charged. Like the abortion issue. Somewhere hidden in both are facts and evidence, and if we governed scientifically, both issues would fade away as “issues.” America has a culture of guns, and that is not what the problem is. Let’s go way back to Tim Eyman. Let’s get social services funded so that our babies don’t grow up with so many stressors, so that our mentally ill aren’t homeless on the streets.

I guess, bottom line, I think “weapons-free zone” is inflammatory and has no place or reason in our community.

— Clair Englander